- 内部的缓冲区是原始的char[],没有考虑内存对齐;
- 没有visit功能。
- 没有考虑赋值构造函数的问题,存在隐患。
- 通过索引位置获取类型。
- 通过类型获取索引位置。
template< std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align = /*default-alignment*/ >struct aligned_storage;
其中Len表示所存储类型的size,Align表示该类型内存对齐的大小,通过sizeof(T)可以获取T的size,通过alignof(T)可以获取T内存对齐大小,所以std::aligned_storage的声明是这样的:std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>。alignof是vs2013 ctp中才支持的,如果没有该版本则可以用std::alignment_of来代替,可以通过std::alignment_of<T>::value来获取内存对齐大小。故std::aligned_storage可以这样声明:std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), std::alignment_of<T>::value>。
- std::alignment_of对于数组来说,是获取数组中元素类型内存对齐大小,如果非数组则是类型本身的内存对齐大小,因此使用时要注意这一点。其实std::alignment_of可以由align来实现:
templatestruct remove_all_extents { typedef T type;}; template struct remove_all_extents { typedef typename remove_all_extents ::type type;}; template struct remove_all_extents { typedef typename remove_all_extents ::type type;template< class T >struct alignment_of : std::integral_constant< std::size_t, alignof(typename std::remove_all_extents ::type) > {};
- alignof和sizeof有点类似,它可以应用于变长类型,比如alignof(Args)...,而std::alignment_of则不行。
Variant(Variant&& old) : m_typeIndex(old.m_typeIndex) { Helper_t::move(old.m_typeIndex, &old.m_data, &m_data); } Variant(const Variant & old) : m_typeIndex(old.m_typeIndex) { Helper_t::copy(old.m_typeIndex, &old.m_data, &m_data); }
右值版本Helper_t::move的内部是这样的:new (new_v) T(std::move(*reinterpret_cast<T*>(old_v)));
左值版本Helper_t::copy的内部是这样的:new (new_v) T(*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(old_v));
boost.variant中可以使用apply_visitior来访问variant中实际的类型,具体的做法是先创建一个从boost::static_visitor<T>派生的访问者类,这个类中定义了访问variant各个类型的方法,接着将这个访问者对象和vairant对象传到boost::apply_visitor(visitor, it->first)实现vairant的访问。一个简单的例子是这样的:
//创建一个访问者类,这个类可以访问vairantstruct VariantVisitor : public boost::static_visitor { void operator() (int a) { cout << "int" << endl; } void operator() (short val) { cout << "short" << endl; } void operator() (double val) { cout << "double" << endl; } void operator() (std::string val) { cout << "string" << endl; }};boost::variant v = 1;boost::apply_visitor(visitor, it->first); //将输出int
typedef Variantcv;cv v = 10;v.Visit([&](double i){cout << i << endl; }, [](short i){cout << i << endl; }, [=](int i){cout << i << endl; },[](string i){cout << i << endl; });//结果将输出10
typedef Variantcv;cv v = 10;cout << typeid(cv::IndexType<1>).name() << endl; //将输出doubleint i = v.GetIndexOf (); //将输出索引位置2
#include#include #include using namespace std;template struct function_traits : public function_traits {};// For generic types, directly use the result of the signature of its 'operator()'template struct function_traits // we specialize for pointers to member function{ enum { arity = sizeof...(Args) }; // arity is the number of arguments. typedef ReturnType result_type; template struct arg { typedef typename std::tuple_element >::type type; // the i-th argument is equivalent to the i-th tuple element of a tuple // composed of those arguments. }; typedef std::function FunType; typedef std::tuple ArgTupleType;};//获取最大的整数template struct IntegerMax;template struct IntegerMax : std::integral_constant { //static const size_t value = arg; //enum{value = arg};};//获取最大的aligntemplate struct IntegerMax : std::integral_constant = arg2 ? IntegerMax ::value : IntegerMax ::value >{ /*static const size_t value = arg1 >= arg2 ? static_max ::value : static_max ::value;*/};
template<typename... Args>
struct MaxAlign : std::integral_constant<int, IntegerMax<std::alignment_of<Args>::value...>::value>{};/*templatestruct MaxAlign : std::integral_constant ::value >MaxAlign ::value ? std::alignment_of ::value : MaxAlign ::value) >{};template struct MaxAlign : std::integral_constant ::value >{}; *///是否包含某个类型template < typename T, typename... List >struct Contains : std::true_type {};template < typename T, typename Head, typename... Rest >struct Contains : std::conditional< std::is_same ::value, std::true_type, Contains > ::type{};template < typename T >struct Contains : std::false_type{};//获取第一个T的索引位置// Forwardtemplate struct GetLeftSize;// Declarationtemplate struct GetLeftSize : GetLeftSize {};// Specializedtemplate struct GetLeftSize : std::integral_constant { //static const int ID = sizeof...(Types);};template struct GetLeftSize : std::integral_constant { //static const int ID = -1;};template struct Index : std::integral_constant ::value - 1>{};//根据索引获取索引位置的类型// Forward declarationtemplate struct IndexType;// Declarationtemplate struct IndexType : IndexType {};// Specializedtemplate struct IndexType<0, First, Types...>{ typedef First DataType;};template struct VariantHelper;template struct VariantHelper { inline static void Destroy(type_index id, void * data) { if (id == type_index(typeid(T))) //((T*) (data))->~T(); reinterpret_cast (data)->~T(); else VariantHelper ::Destroy(id, data); } inline static void move(type_index old_t, void * old_v, void * new_v) { if (old_t == type_index(typeid(T))) new (new_v) T(std::move(*reinterpret_cast (old_v))); else VariantHelper ::move(old_t, old_v, new_v); } inline static void copy(type_index old_t, const void * old_v, void * new_v) { if (old_t == type_index(typeid(T))) new (new_v) T(*reinterpret_cast (old_v)); else VariantHelper ::copy(old_t, old_v, new_v); }};template<> struct VariantHelper<> { inline static void Destroy(type_index id, void * data) { } inline static void move(type_index old_t, void * old_v, void * new_v) { } inline static void copy(type_index old_t, const void * old_v, void * new_v) { }};template class Variant{ typedef VariantHelper Helper_t; enum { data_size = IntegerMax ::value, //align_size = IntegerMax ::value align_size = MaxAlign ::value //ctp才有alignof, 为了兼容用此版本 }; using data_t = typename std::aligned_storage ::type;public: template using IndexType = typename IndexType ::DataType; Variant(void) :m_typeIndex(typeid(void)), m_index(-1) { } ~Variant() { Helper_t::Destroy(m_typeIndex, &m_data); } Variant(Variant && old) : m_typeIndex(old.m_typeIndex) { Helper_t::move(old.m_typeIndex, &old.m_data, &m_data); } Variant(const Variant & old) : m_typeIndex(old.m_typeIndex) { Helper_t::copy(old.m_typeIndex, &old.m_data, &m_data); }
Variant& operator=(const Variant& old)
{ Helper_t::copy(old.m_typeIndex, &old.m_data, &m_data);m_typeIndex = old.m_typeIndex;
return *this; }Variant& operator=(Variant&& old)
{ Helper_t::move(old.m_typeIndex, &old.m_data, &m_data);m_typeIndex = old.m_typeIndex;
return *this; }template::type, Types...>::value>::type> Variant(T&& value) : m_typeIndex(typeid(void)) { Helper_t::Destroy(m_typeIndex, &m_data); typedef typename std::remove_reference ::type U; new(&m_data) U(std::forward (value)); m_typeIndex = type_index(typeid(T)); } template bool Is() const { return (m_typeIndex == type_index(typeid(T))); } bool Empty() const { return m_typeIndex == type_index(typeid(void)); } type_index Type() const { return m_typeIndex; } template typename std::decay ::type& Get() { using U = typename std::decay ::type; if (!Is ()) { cout << typeid(U).name() << " is not defined. " << "current type is " << m_typeIndex.name() << endl; throw std::bad_cast(); } return *(U*) (&m_data); } template int GetIndexOf() { return Index ::value; } template void Visit(F&& f) { using T = typename function_traits ::arg<0>::type; if (Is ()) f(Get ()); } template void Visit(F&& f, Rest&&... rest) { using T = typename function_traits ::arg<0>::type; if (Is ()) Visit(std::forward (f)); else Visit(std::forward (rest)...); } bool operator==(const Variant& rhs) const { return m_typeIndex == rhs.m_typeIndex; } bool operator<(const Variant& rhs) const { return m_typeIndex < rhs.m_typeIndex; }private: data_t m_data; std::type_index m_typeIndex;//类型ID};
typedef Variantcv;//根据index获取类型cout << typeid(cv::IndexType<1>).name() << endl;//根据类型获取索引cv v=10;int i = v.GetIndexOf ();//通过一组lambda访问vairantv.Visit([&](double i){cout << i << endl; }, [&](short i){cout << i << endl; }, [](int i){cout << i << endl; }, [](string i){cout << i << endl; });bool emp1 = v.Empty();cout << v.Type().name() << endl;
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